Monday, June 17, 2013

David Lindley - El Rayo-X on Highway 5, Central California

So, I'm on the train this evening commuting home from Newark to West Windsor, NJ and David Lindley - El Rayo-X comes on my music shuffle. That tune is forever connected for me to a road trip with Dale through the California Central Valley on our way to Los Angeles for a week of sun, surf, and fun in La La Land.  The old Love Van was rolling along just fine, but seriously low on gas.  Back then gas stations were few and far between on the No Man's Land that was Highway 5.  We'd been watching and worrying about gas for a while.  The gas gauge generally read almost a quarter tank low at any given time, but it had read empty for quite a while.  We were playing the El Ray-X tape and that song came on as a gas station slowly appeared through the shimmering heat waves of the highway.

Yeah, we broke into song and did the Happy Dance while driving.