First day of unemployment? Yes.
After thirteen years at Cal, I left my position in preparation to our moving east. I’ve never had such a lovely send-off. When I was a VW mechanic, after working in one shop for ten years I received a call on Sunday telling me not to come to work on Monday: the owner just closed the shop. At another shop that owner suddenly notified everyone that the IRS would padlock the shop within the hour. Not this time. The outpouring of appreciation for my multidimensional contributions to California Hall and the heart-felt sadness at my departure were almost overwhelming. It feels wonderful to know that I made a difference and made friends, not only collegial working relationships.
What this really is: The First Day of the Next Three Weeks.
I do not know how we will do all we must to get our act together and take it on the road in three weeks. It would be better to leave earlier. We will leave as soon as we can. We will drive, but we do not know what. Maybe we’ll ship a container and drive the Prius. Maybe we will drive a truck and tow the Prius. I am most worried about our cat Vinnie. He panics and wets himself at the mere sight of the cat-carrier-terror-box. Our Miniature Pinscher Macy loves, loves, loves road trips, but not always. She hated riding beyond the dog park before she crossed half the country from Colorado to California. Maybe Vinnie will settle in once we cross the Mississippi.
We have challenges to face and puzzles to solve, but we will do it together knowing that we are doing the right thing moving 3,000 miles east for Dale to start her doctoral program in English at the City University of New York. After that? Who knows.
This is not the last thing we will do; this is the next thing we will do and it is a big thing.