Dale and I did manage to ride a Davis Phinney Foundation fundraiser at Folsom Lake. It was a very pretty 12 mile loop around the lake/river/whatever. It was some beautiful water. If the weather had been any warmer, we definitely would have jumped in. Last year I rode a 40 along the water and it was quite hot. I spent about an hour just soaking in the American River after. Lovely.
The route was all bike paths. It could get a little crowded sometimes, but no cars was great.

Overlooking the water from a high point, about 100 yds.
If you look closely, you can see a section of old rope hanging from the branch.

A fine idea for a rope-swing poorly executed.

A beautiful day riding around beautiful water.

Followed by a first-rate BBQ and raffle.
We are definitely returning next year.

We met up with Karl in Sacramento after for an iced coffee.

On a 20 mile ride with Dale a couple weeks later, we stopped for a breather and a view of Mt. Diablo.

The biggest life-changer lately has been the addition of Miss Macy to the family.
17 pounds of full-grown, 3-year-old Miniature Pinscher.

A little over caffeinated, we cut her back to 3 double espressos 3 times a day.
"Use your words Macy?"
Yeah, we got that.

But with a LOT of exercise, some hugging and feeding, she sleeps like a baby.

Macy loves her new bed and Mr. Blue Squeaky Toy.

She learned to love road-trips crossing half the country from Colorado Springs to Berkeley.
Mom came home to Berkeley after missing for some years in the wilds of Colorado and we get the dog! Mom's duplex is closely surrounded by those who have not yet learned to appreciate an earnest alert of any passing thing. Real or imagined.
In South Campus, we can use just such diligence.

So where did all this time to catch up on my blog come from?
I planned to ride a 25 this evening after work, but Miss Macy really had a tough day with two, count 'em, two moving vans, 6 movers, untold numbers of kids, dogs, birds, and I don't know what-all. I took her for a long walk after work, gave her a Milk Bone, loved her up, and changed into my cycling clothes. But every time I got near the door, she just sobbed and gave me that look like: "You really aren't going to leave me here after the day I just had are you? Dale was way too busy with final portfolios in 3 on-line classes, thesis format reviews, and preparing to teach 2 F-2-F classes this evening to give me anywhere near enough attention. No, I need some serious lap time here buddy."
It was a compelling argument, and she has been sleeping in my lap for an hour and a half.
One can do a lot worse with one's day than make a dog happy.
One even ends up quite happy oneself.
The roads will still be there tomorrow.